September 28-29, 2007 Harrisville, New York |
Click Here! to download Entry Form in PDF format
BRS entries open on August 18th! No entries postmarked or hand delivered BEFORE August 18th will be accepted. Please don't send any entries requiring signature by the Registrar.
Entries will be filled based on the order they are received by the Registrar. As previously mentioned, we will be reserving 30 spots each for cars and bikes, only until 9/8. We will fill those spots as the entries are received, then, if there are more than 30 of either vehicle, we will fill the field with them after 9/8. As Anders did at Sand Blast, we’ll be listing the standby teams as such on the website.
All checks must be made out to the Lewis County Chamber of Commerce, and sent to the Registrar as indicated on the entry form. These entry fees include notes and entry to the post-event party. As always, entries from legitimate Canadian competitors will be accepted at par.
If you are a legitimate Int'l Rally New York competitor, please note this on your entry form so we can hold your check until the 10th, and you can call us to withdraw if you must.
We’ve upped the mileage from the previously advertised 60 stage miles to 70, with the addition of 2 stages, for a total of 12. At least the last two stages (Jayville In and Out 2) will be run in the dark.
One final note: please note on the entry form whatever number you have on the car, as we'll likely utilize them.