15th Round of the North American Rally Cup Championship
5th & 6th Round of the Ontario Rally Championship
Final Round of the Canadian Rally Championship
Televised by TSN/RDS
Brought to you by SUBARU CANADA & Yokohama Tires of Canada
Compact Route with 40% stages!
Compact Schedule: 10:00 AM Start - 10:00 PM Finish!
Less Expensive Accomodations!
Canada's Longest Running National Event!
Informative Spectator Guide!
Donna Castledine, Co-ordinator
Tel: 905-851-6983
Fax: 905-851-3632
E-mail: drcastle@pathcom.com
Ross Wood
Tel: 905-876-1492
Fax: 905-793-3682
E-mail: rosswood@aztec-net.com
Check out the Tall Pines Web Page at: http://www.myna.com/~skycube/mlrc/
This rally runs under the GCRs and Rules of the Canadian Association of RallySport (CARS) and the Rules of RallySport Ontario (RSO).