Rallycross Fans. . .The Race is ON!
This Sunday, July 11th, will be the 4th rallycross event out of a series of six, to be held in 1999 in Middleburgh, New York.
This well established rallycross series at the "Apple Hill" site, is now even better. As originally planned, the track has undergone many improvements recently and promises to be one the best events since we started rallycrossing at Apple Hill in Aug '97. Depending on weather, this should be the smoothest and fastest event ever!
The entire length of the course (approx 8/10 mile) has been smoothed with a bulldozer to remove any rocks, stumps, bumps and/or undulations. In the process, most turns had their camber changed or corrected. This will undoubtedly please those with weaker or 'street' suspensions who in the past would be slowed by the rougher conditions. This Sunday we should be able to witness a more "technical" style of driving.
Competition should be closer. Many rallyists are bringing their cars for a shakedown and to practice for the up-coming rallies like Maine Summer, Irish Hills, and Black River. More changes are underway for Apple Hill for improved and more consistent track conditions in the future. We are trenching the 'high sides' of the roads for water drainage and to prevent washouts. A fine shale/gravel mix will cover the entire surface. The course is currently being extended into an adjoining feild for more competitive mileage. This will allow the track to be included as a "special stage" in upcoming events at Apple Hill.
Finally, work has begun on construction of a "Super Cross" track at Apple Hill. This will consist of two tracks of equal length, but with different configurations, and a bridge/tunnel cross-over for a high speed drag race on dirt! This concept is definitely not new. You probably have seen this on Speedvision or on European rally tapes, but in the US, I beleive it has been done only once, and that was recently at the Ramada Inn Express Rally in Laughlin, Nevada! This type rallying is limited to Pro or Club rally cars only! Work will be completed hopefully by next spring! (A note should be made here that all these efforts and construction work is being done by volunteer workers and private funds or donations!!!!!!!! Please do be patient and excuse us if things don't work out perfectly every time.)
For more information about Rallycross, check the following website: http://members.aol.com/qtrm/rallycross.htm
Sunday's rallycross registration is 9:30am - 10:30am. Rallycross competition will start promptly at 11:00am. Grab your helmets, check your cars well, call your friends and come to Apple Hill for some inexpensive rallying and lots of fun!
Constantine Mantopoulos
NY Region Rally Board
Rallycross Chairman