Rally Racing News

Rally Trivia NEPRO Special
April 1998

Answers and Scoreboard April 1998 NEPRO Special

1978 Blue Mountain Sunsetter.

1. What was the "Official" name of the series in 1978?--PARS (Pirelli Atlantic Rally Series)

2. Where did the 1978 Sunsetter start?--Kutztown, PA

3. Who won class 1 (A)?--Lyle/Smola

4. Who won class 2 (B)?--Anderson/Lasczak

5. Who won class 3 (C)?--Lotwis/Martin

6. What marque won class 1 (A)?--VW Scircco

7. What marque won class 2 (B)?--Triumph TR-7

8. What marque won class 3 (C)?--Pontiac LMS


Name		  4/98  5/98  6/98  7/98  8/98  9/98   Total   Date Rec.
Bob Lyle	   70					 70    April 24
Phil Barnes	   30				         30    April  7
Lincoln Woodard    20				         20    April 11   

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