1. Name the co-driver of this team: Mike Lotwis and? - Al Muller
2. Which Driver won Class B? - Nick Leone
3. Which Marque won Class A? - Datsun
4. Which Marque won Class C? - Pontiac
5. Name the driver of this team: and Mike Pease - Joe Reilly
6. Name the co-driver of this team: Al Schmit and? - John Bain
7. Which Marque did Bill Emmerich drive? - Datsun
8. Which driver won Class A? - Bill Emmerich
Name 10/98 11/98 12/98 1/99 2/99 3/99 Total Date Rec. Andy English 50 N/A 60 20 N/A 60 190 03/24 Phil Barnes 30 20 N/A 30 40 30 150 03/03 Mike Mazoway 20 60 20 0 10 30 140 03/04 Randy Moore 20 30 10 N/A N/A N/A 60 12/04 Dave Sekella 30 N/A N/A 10 N/A N/A 40 01/03 Bob Lyle N/A 10 20 N/A N/A N/A 30 12/11The winner of this series of NEPRO Trivia is Andy English! Nice Work Andy!
So stay tuned, we'll be back soon!